The Ultimate Guide to Creating Killer Blog Content

This guide is designed to help you master the art of blogging and content creation. Creating killer blog content can be a daunting task. Every blog out there is trying to get attention by creating either controversial or highly useful content in hopes of getting more views, leads, and sales. Your articles could be the heart of your business, and if you want to ensure you don't waste your time putting something out there that no one will read, then check out this guide for creating killer blog posts. If you're planning to create better quality content, then these tips will help you get there.

Why your blog is relevant to your business

Writing and publishing blog content is an important part of any business. Blogging helps you to engage with your audience, build trust and authority, promote your business, and build traffic to your website.

Understand your audience

As a content marketer, one of the most important things you can do for your blog is to understand who your audience is. If you don't know who they are and what their interests are, how will you be able to create engaging content? The more time and effort that goes into researching your audience and understanding their needs wants, desires, etc., the better your blog will be.

It's also important to keep in mind that no two audiences are alike; every person has different needs and expectations when it comes to reading articles on the internet. Some people want to read about practical topics like how to bake a cake or how much money they should save each month; others want tips on creating apps or getting rich quick through real estate investing; while still others might seek out advice on how their lives could improve by learning languages like Spanish or Mandarin Chinese (and yes—those were all real examples from my own experience).

Your job as a writer isn't just about writing something that sounds good—it's also about understanding which topics appeal most strongly to each reader so that they'll care enough about what you have written for them not only to finish reading an entire article but return next week for more great content!

The power of keywords

You probably already know that keywords are the words people search for on the internet. You might think of them as important, but what exactly makes a keyword so powerful?

Keywords are the words that people type into the search box on your blog (and Google, Bing, and more). If your audience is looking for information on something specific like "how to fix a broken mouse", they're going to type in something like that because they don't want to spend their time scrolling through pages of content that don't help them with their problem. If you make sure your blog posts include keywords that match what people are searching for, you'll be able to increase your chances of being found by this person—which means more traffic!

Optimize for SEO

SEO is an essential part of any blog, and if you want to rank high in Google searches, you need to optimize your content for search engines. Here are some easy methods to achieve that:

  • Use the right keywords. You want to use keywords that people are likely to search for when they're looking for a solution (hence why it's called "search engine optimization").
  • Use keywords in the right places. Put those keywords where they'll be most effective—in headlines, titles, and meta descriptions.
  • Write a good copy! Make sure each piece of content answers a clear question or offers a clear benefit before moving on to another topic.

Know that you are writing for humans and not for search engines

  • You write for humans first, then you optimize for search engines.
  • Use keywords sparingly. You don't want to come across as spammy, but use them in the right places.
  • Don't overuse keywords just because they're trendy or seem like they'd be a good fit. Your audience can tell when you're trying too hard, and it's not good for business! Also, don't use keywords that don't make sense in the context of your post—it will make you look unprofessional and unintelligent (not to mention confuse readers who are looking for information on those specific topics).

Restrain each blog post to a single topic

The best way to make sure that your blog posts are focused is to limit each one to just one topic. It's tempting to add a bunch of different elements, but if you're trying too hard, readers can get confused and leave the page without reading what you had hoped was the most important part. You don't want people leaving your site with questions in their minds! If a reader doesn't know what they're clicking on from one article, then they won't feel compelled to come back for more.

You also want your content not only written in plain language (i.e., something an eighth-grader could understand), but also easy on the eyes (i.e., nothing more than two colors). If there's too much going on at once or not enough text displayed at once, it will be difficult for people who are skimming through all their social media feeds during lunch break at work or school which means they won't share it with their friends either -- meaning fewer eyeballs seeing your awesome content!

Use a logical structure for each post

A logical structure helps readers understand the content, which is essential for readers to be able to find what they are looking for and make sense of your content.

It also helps search engines understand the content, which can help increase search engine rankings.

Create a great hook in the title of your post

You want your headline to grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read more. The best way to do this is through a question, statement, or quote. These all allow for participation from the readers, which means they are more likely to stay on your site longer and share it with others.

We recommend using one of these:

  • Question: “Are You Making These Blunders in Your Marketing?”
  • Statement: “Why Small Business Owners Should Blog”
  • Quote: “I Missed Out On $1 Million Because I Didn't Start Blogging Until Age 25!” (Yes, this is an actual quote.)

You can also use statistics in your title! Just make sure they're relevant and backed up by facts before you post them because otherwise, people won't trust anything else on your site either.

Write an engaging introduction that attracts readers and gives them a clear idea of what they’re going to read.

You’re only one paragraph in, but you already have a lot of people who are reading your blog. They’ve clicked on it, and they want to know where the article is going.

Are you giving them enough?

They need an introduction that captures their attention and makes them want to read more. The best way to do this is by writing an engaging introduction that tells them exactly what they will learn from the article (or at least gives them enough information so that it sounds really interesting).

When writing an introduction, it’s important not to just summarize your content—make sure there’s something else in there besides just repeating what was said earlier in the post. You want readers to be able to get excited about reading more! And remember: always include a call-to-action so they know what they should do next.

Add images, videos, or graphics to break up the text, make the post more visually appealing and summarize the content.

Images and videos can be used to break up long paragraphs of text. They can also be used to illustrate a point, give context to something you're talking about and make your writing more interesting. Videos are especially useful in this way because they allow you to engage with your audience on a visual level by showing them what you're talking about instead of just describing it in words (which is how most blogs are written).

Images can also help readers understand difficult concepts by showing photos that depict what those concepts look like in real life. For example, if you include an image of a shark about to attack someone swimming in the ocean below him as part of an explainer article on sharks' behavior patterns then it will instantly convey how dangerous sharks can be despite their small size!

Add link sources that are relevant to your topic.

When you're creating content, it's important to focus on link sources that are relevant to your topic. For example, if you're writing about SEO strategy for small businesses, it doesn't make sense to include a source from Forbes or Entrepreneur—these publications would be much better suited for a piece about digital marketing or entrepreneurship.

To make sure your link sources are trustworthy and current, always look at when the article was published. If it was written in 2008 but still being referenced in 2017 content, then it's probably not going to provide the most up-to-date information possible (and neither is this article).

Also, take note of how credible and authoritative a source is; these two things go hand-in-hand when analyzing their quality as an authority on a particular topic. In other words: Does this source have credentials? Is there proof that they know what they are talking about? The more thorough their background information seems (e.g., "Jane Doe has spent 20 years working for ABC Corp."), the more likely it'll be that readers will trust what's written within these pages or across social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook."

Check the quality of your writing and make sure it’s easy for readers to understand.

After you’ve written your blog post, it’s important to check the quality of your writing and make sure that it’s easy for readers to understand.

  • Be sure your writing is clear (free of ambiguity) and easy to understand. Use short sentences and paragraphs, simple words, and active voice (instead of passive voice). Find synonyms for words you use too frequently by using a thesaurus or checking with an online dictionary—this will improve the quality of your content without making things confusing for readers.
  • High-quality writing also means using a spell checker before publishing any piece of content online; there’s nothing more annoying than having an error in something that has been published widely! Grammarly is one popular option—it can be used as both an extension on the Chrome browser and as an app on mobile devices as well—and I would recommend giving this one a try if English isn't your first language (or even if it is!).

Creating great content can be achieved by following these steps:

  • Create a content calendar. To determine what types of posts you want to create in the future, and how often you'd like to post them, it's important to have a plan for your content calendar. Be as specific as possible when creating your editorial calendar—the more detailed it is, the better!
  • Use keyword research tools. Once you know what types of topics will be covered on your blog and how often they'll be posted, it's time to figure out what keywords people use when searching for information related to those topics. Keyword research tools can help with this process by providing relevant data that shows which search terms are most popular among potential readers interested in learning more about each topic area (e.g., "How to Reduce Weight Without Dieting or Exercising Before a Big Vacation" vs "How to Lose Weight Fast in 5 Easy Steps"). This insight will help inform which words or phrases should appear within any given article title so that people who search for similar information end up finding yours instead of someone else's.

SEE ALSO Webinar: Transform your Mindset into your Desired Reality by Leveraging Digital Skills and Opportunities.


So there you have it. A quick and easy guide to creating killer blog content that will spark the interest of your readers—and keep them coming back for more. If you stick to these steps, we guarantee your blog posts results in more traffic, more exposure, and more business. That's the ultimate reward for what is often hard work, right? By embracing these tips, you'll be able to create great content time and time again—with little effort and no fuss.

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Joshua Ogunlade is a Content Creator, having created valuable content ranging from Articles, Graphic Design to Video Content. Digital Skills Enthusiast, helped small and top businesses with digital marketing strategies to scale up their game. 

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